Quality options parts ‘for iPhone/iPad’

Our own sourcing team in Shenzhen ensures the best possible quality of ‘for iPhone/iPad’ based on five levels: Factory std, Pulled, Refurb, In-Cell and Compatible. See below for the specifications of each quality:

Quality label: Factory std Pulled A+ Refurbished In-Cell Compatible
Condition: New Used Semi-new New New
Glass: Equivalent to original (OEM) Equivalent to original (OEM) Aftermarket, best quality Aftermarket, best quality Aftermarket, best quality
LCD: Equivalent to original (OEM) Equivalent to original (OEM) Equivalent to original (OEM), used Aftermarket, best quality Digitiser to LCD Aftermarket, best quality Digitiser to glass.
Flex cable: Equivalent to original (OEM) Equivalent to original (OEM) Equivalent to original (OEM), used Aftermarket, best quality Aftermarket, best quality
Quality control: 3x own inspection 3x own inspection 3x own inspection 3x own inspection 3x own inspection
In short:
The best possible quality for 100% new. Is the only one that can be seen as ‘original’ but has been used. Best price/quality ratio. Best quality copy, with In-Cell technology. Best quality traditional copy.


Above you can find the various qualities we have at Ferrytelecom.com. We will be pleased to tell you more about the differences in quality of the LCDs.

 Factory standard

Completely new LCDs whose quality is equal to completely original iPhone LCDs. This applies to the LCD as a whole and to all components used. As such, this quality can be considered the best alternative to the original.


Used screens which, qualitatively, are still good enough to be sold. They have been disassembled from original iPhones and have few to no scratches. The screens often come from devices that are returned to providers after the subscription period has expired.


These screens are no longer sold because the glass is broken or there are a lot of scratches on the screen. These screens, with a working LCD or OLED panel, are refurbished. The front glass is removed using a hot plate and a new polariser is applied. In the case of old devices, the backlight is also replaced.


Aftermarket screens of which all the components are high copy, or in other words, not original/OEM/factory std. In-cell screens differ from Aftermarket screens in that, in the Aftermarket screens, all loose elements of the digitiser and the LCD are glued together. In the case of In-cell screens, the digitiser is already integrated in the LCD. These screens are more stable than Compatible screens, raster lines do not show up in the digitiser, the colour is brighter and they have the same resolution as Factory std screens.


All components of Compatible LCDs are of high quality, but they are not original. Manufacturers imitate components such as screens, flex cables, touch, glass plates, frames etc. Because every factory focuses on one step in the production process, the quality of components is high. Every component is produced in a specialist manner.

Quality options for iPhone models

Factory std Pulled A+ Refurbished In-cell Compatible FOG
iPhone 6S iPhone 6 iPhone 4 iPhone 7 iPhone 5 iPhone 8
iPhone 7 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 4S iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 5C iPhone 8 Plus
iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 6S iPhone 5 iPhone 8 iPhone 5S iPhone SE
iPhone 8 iPhone 7 iPhone 5C iPhone 8 Plus iPhone 6 iPhone 8 X
iPhone 8 Plus iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 5S iPhone 6 Plus iPhone Xs
iPhone SE iPhone 8 iPhone 6 iPhone 6S iPhone Xs Max
iPhone X iPhone 8 Plus iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6S Plus iPhone 11
iPhone XR iPhone XR iPhone 6S iPhone 7 iPhone 11 Pro Max
iPhone Xs iPhone Xs Max iPhone 6S Plus iPhone 7 Plus
iPhone 11 iPhone 11 iPhone 7 iPhone 8
iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone 11 Pro iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 8 Plus
iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone 8 iPhone XR
iPhone 8 Plus iPhone Xs
iPhone SE
iPhone 8 X
iPhone Xs
iPhone Xs Max


*All LCDs are tested with the latest iOS version.

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